tin type photo by kari orvik

tin type photo by kari orvik

eryn kimura (she, they) is a mixed media artist, cultural producer, community organizer, and professional auntie based on the unceded territory of the ramaytush-speaking ohlone people (the 415, san francisco). using fragments from print media and found ephemera, eryn composes cacophonous yet fractal visual symphonies - collage - that recontextualize the asian american body and experience in popular culture/memory, turning hegemony on its head. simultaneously, eryn uses collage as play and alchemy, reimagining and archiving ancestral pasts and futures of the sucka free (san francisco) and beyond.

eryn kimura is a fifth generation san franciscan, and fifth generation japanese- and chinese-american. when she’s not baking or eating, she’s frolicking in the 11th dimension.
