"untitled (江戸)" print
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"untitled (江戸)" print
untitled (江戸)・mixed media・4月2020年・サンフランシスコ
10 total printed in san francisco with epson etching on high quality cotton-based paper・1st edition・SOLD OUT
mixed media collage featuring late 1960s photo of tokyo sista on the pay phone; animal depictions by my favorite kyoto artist of the mid-edo period, ito jakuchu; hand marbled paper i found in firenze; lots of washi paper; fragments of block print by utagawa kunisada; early 1960s phone advertisement; origami instructions; san francisco map; minuscule scraps from flyers + pamphlets i collected when living in japan; late-1960s thunderbird; 1969 belgian travel pamphlet photo of japan’s rice field; horenso (japanese greens); butterfly from albertus seba’s 18th century plates
price includes sales tax